@techreport{SalewskiZ{\"u}lch2012, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Salewski, Marcus and Z{\"u}lch, Henning}, title = {The impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financial reporting quality}, series = {HHL-Arbeitspapier}, institution = {Chair of Accounting and Auditing}, series = {HHL-Arbeitspapier / HHL Working paper}, number = {112}, year = {2012}, abstract = {This study iestigates the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financial reporting quality and vice versa. More precisely, we examine the association between CSR and the degree of earnings management (using the performance adjusted modified Jones model and a new variation of this model considering amortizable intangible assets), the degree of accounting conservatism and the quality of accruals. We find that fi rms with good CSR are more likely to engage in earnings management and to report bad news less timely. Our results are in contrast to parts of prior research on that topic - that is why we have run various robustness checks which support our findings. Our findings may infl uence the overall perception of CSR as the increasing trend of CSR does not necessarily lead to real changes in corporations.}, language = {en} }