@techreport{Casajus, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Andr{\´e} Casajus}, title = {Second-order productivity, second-order payoffs, and the Shapley value}, series = {HHL Working paper}, institution = {HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management}, address = {Leipzig}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:101:1-2020122213304306648128}, pages = {19}, abstract = {We show that the Shapley value is the unique efficient one-point solution for cooperative games with transferable utility that reflects the players‘ second-order productivities in terms of their second-order payoffs. Second-order productivities are conceptualized as second-order marginal contributions, that is, how one player affects another player‘s marginal contributions to coalitions containing neither of them by entering these coalitions. Second-order payoffs are conceptualized as the effect of one player leaving the game on the payoff of another player.}, language = {en} }