@techreport{ZuelchPalmeJost, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Henning Z{\"u}lch and Moritz Palme and S{\´e}bastien Jost}, title = {Management quality of professional football clubs}, series = {HHL Working paper}, institution = {HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management}, address = {Leipzig}, issn = {1864-4562}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0217-27197}, pages = {127}, abstract = {Managing a football club has become much more complex in recent years as they have turned into football companies and a growing number of stakeholders have entered the industry. The clubs’ capabilities to handle the increased complexity vary, turning management quality into a crucial competitive (dis-)advantage. In this new edition, we build on the framework established by Z{\"U}LCH \& PALME, 2017 which comprehensively assesses management quality along four dimensions, namely Sporting Success, Financial Performance, Fan Welfare Maximization and Leadership \& Governance, to perform a longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of the German professional football clubs’ management quality. In fact, filled with measurable key performance indicators (KPIs), these dimensions intend to objectively quantify the relevant success factors. Ultimately, the performance in all dimensions, referred to as FoMa Q-Score, indicates a club’s management quality. Football managers concerned can make use of our findings and derive specific actions to benchmark their club’s setups in order to make up ground or defend their competitive positions.}, language = {en} }