TY - JOUR U1 - Zeitschriftenartikel, wissenschaftlich - begutachtet (reviewed) A1 - Schönwälder, Jeremy A1 - Weber, Anja T1 - Sustainable corporate incubation to create innovative D2C value propositions BT - a case study JF - Marketing Review St. Gallen N2 - Direct-to-consumer (D2C) marketing strategies commonly require large basket sizes to reach profitable growth. Thus, mass-market brands which offer low-price consumer packaged goods (CPG) face particular challenges when pursuing a D2C strategy. Creating a strong value proposition in the light of existing e-commerce platforms is far from trivial. Sustainable corporate incubation offers iterative routes to tackle D2C barriers for such brands. Based on a case study at Henkel, the largest CPG manufacturer in Germany, an explorative incubation approach to identify new ways of D2C business is proposed. KW - Innovationsmanagement KW - Innovation management KW - Innovation KW - Unternehmensgründung KW - Business start-up KW - Technologiepark KW - Technology park Y1 - 2021 UR - https://www.econbiz.de/Record/sustainable-corporate-incubation-to-create-innovative-d2c-value-propositions-a-case-study-sch%C3%B6nw%C3%A4lder-jeremy/10012663639 SN - 1865-6544 SS - 1865-6544 VL - 38 IS - 6 SP - 28 EP - 37 ER -