TY - RPRT U1 - Arbeitspapier A1 - Hammer, Andreas A1 - Loos, Robert A1 - Schwetzler, Bernhard T1 - Exit through exitus in private equity buyouts N2 - We study the impact of PE firm and buyout characteristics on default probability employing a Cox proportional hazards model to a global sample of 5,093 buyouts between 1997 and 2012. Our results indicate that iestments of generalists have lower default probability than those of specialists. However, industry specialization reduces default probability if stated focus and target industry match. Iestments of captive PE firms and secondary buyouts are more likely to default, while the opposite holds true for syndicated iestments. In sum, our findings indicate that increasing heterogeneity within a maturing PE market goes along with increasing heterogeneity in default probabilities. Y1 - 2015 N1 - Available at SSRN (Social Science Research Network), for the link see below ER -