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The cognitive perspective in business model research : contributions from corporate entrepreneurship initiatives to cope cognitive biases in business model design

  • Accentuating the role of managerial cognition in business model design, scholarly work recently conceptualizes business models as cognitive phenomenon reflecting managerial mental models. However, this theoretical position has been largely criticized for its emphasis on the limitations of human cognition, resulting in studies that explore the manifestation of cognitive constraints. To further advance the conceptualization of business models as cognitive structures, this dissertation focuses on the cognitive heuristics undergirding managerial reasoning to counter cognitive biases inherent in the design of new business models. Providing implications for research at the intersection of cognition and business model design, our studies are situated in the context of corporate entrepreneurship initiatives, spawning the entrepreneur at the nexus of individual and idiosyncratic context. Note from the IEEE journal: In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of HHL's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to <link http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html _blank>http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html</link> to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink.

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Document Type:Doctoral Thesis
Author:Mirjam Rössler
Contributor(s):Vivek K. Velamuri, Dorian Proksch
Chairs and Professorships:Chair of Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer
Full text/ URN:urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-382539
Title Additional (English):Dissertation
Place of publication:Leipzig
Year of Completion:2019
Page Number:III, 116, IV-XI