Document Type
- Part of a Book (3)
- Conference Proceeding (3)
- Working Paper (3)
- Article (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Sustainability (4)
- Supply Chain Management (3)
- Business Intelligence (2)
- Analysis framework (1)
- Assessment (1)
- Automotive Supply Chain Networks (1)
- Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) (1)
- Big Data (1)
- City logistics (1)
- Data Management (1)
Die Business Suite S/4HANA stellt eine Weiterentwicklung der traditionellen Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)-Applikationen durch SAP dar und berücksichtigt neue Anforderungen und Entwicklungen im Rahmen der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und Vernetzung. Durch die Umstellung wird im Jahr 2025 der Support für den Vorgänger SAP ERP 6.0 eingestellt. Daraus ergeben sich Fragestellungen, welche diese Kurzstudie aufgreift indem Sie als Ziel die Untersuchung der kundenseitigen Implementierungsbereitschaft und damit einhergehende Gründe sowie weitere Aspekte definiert. Um dahingehende Einblicke zu erlangen wurde eine Umfrage initiiert, in welcher verschiedene Unternehmen u. a. zu ihrem aktuellen Umsetzungsstand befragt wurden. Mehr als ein Drittel der Befragten strebt demnach eine Einführung von S/4HANA bis 2025 an, wobei die Gründe hierfür vorrangig im Bereich der IT-Restrukturierung angesiedelt sind. Die Ergebnisse der Studie werden diskutiert und erste Handlungsempfehlungen werden abgeleitet.
Supply chain stress
Seizing the challenges of contemporary Supply Chain Management (SCM), different concepts like risk management or resilience were developed and carried out in praxis. In the scientific literature, the focus lies actually on almost negative and partly on neutral influences on supply chains such as events, risks, disruptions and related terms that play a crucial role in strategic and operational characteristics of SCM as they are strongly related to the performance of supply chains. Compared to existing concepts in this area of SCM which have been reviewed in this paper, a need for a certain paradigm shift has evolved to consider influences onto supply chains in a more holistic perception than solely negative and neutral aspects. Therefore, we apply the term “stress” as an umbrella for all positive, neutral and negative influences that affect the supply chain. To investigate the relevance of supply chain stress management as an emerging concept and to derive the relative importance of prior selected supply chain stress factors, a web-based survey among supply chain practitioners was conducted in Germany and Bulgaria. By the aid of this cross-country analysis, two contributions to research are made. First, the need for a holistic management concept to capture all positive, neutral and negative influences on the supply chain was detected and second, these so-called stress factors were assessed concerning their relative importance and their concrete influence on SCM.
Alexander Haas schafft mit der Entwicklung der Intelligence Systeme als mögliche Weiterentwicklung der Business Intelligence und deren konkreter Anwendung im Logistik- und Supply Chain Management einen Ansatz, den Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung entgegen zu treten. Dazu wird ein zentrales Lebenszyklusmodell entworfen, welches modular aus Referenz- und Vorgehensmodellen zur Beschreibung und Lösung relevanter digitaler Probleme in den Anwendungsdomänen des Logistik- und Supply Chain Managements dient.
This chapter deals with the development of a model to assess the contribution of IT-based logistics solutions to sustainable logistics management. After introducing and explaining the pertinent concepts logistics management, IT-based logistics solutions and sustainability, certain conflict areas between IT and sustainability are discussed to gather relevant insights for the development of the assessment model. The balanced scorecard approach and the concept of maturity models are the main additions to determine the assessment model. The assessment model is embraced by a procedure model which includes guiding principles and success factors to look at before the assessment is executed and methods for navigating within the maturity model, managerial implications and aspects concerning the strategic alignment as subsequent discussion points. The chapter concludes with an outlook into further research and practical application as well as a conclusion.
Purpose: Supply chain management is hardly connected with data and information flows nowadays. In times of Big Data, the value of data changes from a simple sharing of data into fields of high volumes and questioned relevance. Coming from a modeling perspective, a coergence of both sides is not completely fulfilled. Therefore, existing approaches from both sides are compiled, analyzed and a new approach for modeling data flows and supply chains jointly is suggested. Design/methodology/approach: The research roadmap of this exploratory research is designed as follows. A compilation of different approaches which are well established in practice was conducted in data flow modeling and in supply chain modeling. Moreover, a literature review on first joint efforts was made. As a conceptual approach, the joint model to conceptualize data flows in supply chain processes was developed.Findings: An insight worth remarkable is that data flow modeling approaches are very process-driven in most cases and therefore incorporate a process orientation. Detailed data specifications are not reflected in data flow and supply chain process modeling approaches. During the analysis, BPMN and SCOR are identified as useful foundations for a joint model integrating data flow specifications.Research limitations: Since this research acts as a basic iestigation on joint modeling, a research agenda to conduct further research is proposed. This includes the provision of empirical evidence from practitioners, the definition of a complete meta model of a joint approach and an integration of strategies how to cope with increasing data volumes. Practical implications: Practical implications are of high relevance since most notations and standards are practical-driven and derived from industry standards. The developed joint model delivers practitioners an efficient tool at hand to model supply chains together with data flows and acts also as an analysis tool for given supply chain constructs. Original/Value: In this paper, an approach useful for researchers and practitioners alike is developed. Since data flows and supply chains are modeled jointly, efficiency in supply chain planning and documentation can be increased. Value in research is created through a literature review on joint modeling, the proposition of a joint model and the suggestion of a research agenda.
The German Federal Government claimed the goal to have one million electric cars on German roads by 2020 to foster the public acceptance of electric cars and electromobility. Moreover, the amount and the variety of electric cars are steadily increasing as well as the public awareness for sustainability is rising. Along with the rising proliferation of electric cars, new application possibilities for electric vehicles arise, for instance in warehouses or natural reserve areas. To ensure an impeccable provision of electric cars in alignment with all stakeholder requirements, a flawless supply chain (SC) must be installed in the background to avoid process inefficiencies. For example, during the production launch of the new BMW i3, bottlenecks related to the provision of carbon fiber were noticed which led to discrepancies in the production and sales process.
The ever-growing populations of cities cause the need of solution finding when it comes to urban logistics or city logistics. Customers demand coenient delivery that meets their needs and rising expectations. Especially in case of the steady growth and development of e-commerce, the fragmentation or “atomization” of deliveries is an increasing burden for urban infrastructure. As a result, the traffic in cities suffers from rising parcel deliveries which in turn impairs the sustainability of city logistics in general. Currently, a range of concepts, that targets the solving of city logistics problems, does exist or is developed. This paper aims to display the variety of city logistics concepts.
Information technology (IT) and performance measurement are of rising value in globally connected supply chains. This results in the increasing implementation of business intelligence (BI) applications to enhance information exploitation as strategic and operational competitive advantages. To estimate the degree of maturity in supply chains as well as for BI solutions, maturity models are used. There exist numerous specific maturity models for supply chains, also in strong interrelationship with iestigations on evolution stages of supply chains. Furthermore, certain BI maturity models are covering different perspectives to assess the degree of BI utilization in companies. The aim of this paper is two-folded. First, maturity dimensions should be isolated and extracted from given models. Second, a joint maturity approach by merging key dimensions of supply chain and BI maturity for BI-driven supply chains will be developed. In this context, BI-driven supply chains are a summarizing term for advanced supply chains in which efforts to base decisions on joint KPIs and metrics are strengthened as well as joint planning and collaborative forecasting activities are executed. Contribution to research is made by the combination of supply chain and BI maturity approaches._x000D_ Below you can download the submitted version of the paper.
The need for well-executed humanitarian operations and logistics is bigger thanever for facing manifold catastrophes and their resulting long-term activities indifferent areas, different eironments, and different political and ecological contexts. For instance, war and rebellion in Central Africa forced more than 200 000 inhabitants to leave the country (Euronews 2013). This leads to an increase in the need for humanitarian logistics such as the provision of fresh water for refugees inhospitals and refugee camps (ICRC 2013). It has been reported by the Norwegian Refugee Council that the number of people, to be exact 32.4 million worldwide,who were forced to leave their homes by disasters is nearly twice as high as theyear before (NRC 2013); so there is still a strong demand for effective humanitarian logistics to react to catastrophes and to improve the subsequent humanitarian situation. _x000D_ Nevertheless, sustainability is perceived as an emerging trend including all branches and functions, both in the private sector and in the field of business. Therefore,deliberations to unite the objectives of humanitarian logistics and considerationsregarding sustainability are obvious. These considerations, especially within thetriad of ecology, economy and society, reveal gaps in the research as well as inthe practice (Kovács and Spens 2011b). Moreover, a potential area for researchis seen in the area of slow-onset disasters, a field which has been neglected by academia so far, to enhance sustainability by focusing on long-term developmentsof humanitarian logistics (Kovács and Spens 2011a).
Emerging IT solutions like cloud computing or service-oriented architecture (SOA) are beginning to spread in all industries nowadays. Especially in the area of logistics and supply chain management, these solutions enhance business by using common data formats, modular and flexible IT tools, real-time tracking as well as real-time reaction. Previous literature contributions investigate the usage of these technologies mostly from a technical or cost-oriented perspective to analyze the possibility of usage or to explore cost advantages. An investigation that integrates an environmental or social perspective has, however, not been done before, although research on sustainable logistics and supply chain management is in strong demand today. In this paper, we want to develop an analysis framework to map selected logistics and supply chain processes (LSCP) with corresponding emerging IT solutions to create a better understanding of their role in sustainable logistics and supply chain management. Initially, these LSCP are systemized with the aid of the main SCOR processes Source, Make, Deliver and Return. Subsequently, the SCOR-aligned LSCP are selected concerning their IT- and sustainability potential through a two-step portfolio approach under application of predefined criteria derived from the triple bottom line (TBL). After this procedure, TBL-aligned requirements for a sus-tainable LSCP are mapped with emerging IT solutions to elaborate their contribution to sustainability. The aim of this framework is to achieve an overview about if and how a certain emerging IT solution can increase the sustainability of a logistics or supply chain process. At first, contribution to literature is made by a systematic selection of the LSCP using the SCOR model and the TBL as established standards. Furthermore, an analysis ap-proach to investigate the role of emerging IT solutions for sustainable LSCP is presented and could be used as a component to research a holistic IT support in logistics and supply chain management.