Document Type
- Article (3)
- Working Paper (1)
- Advertising planning (1)
- Green advertising (1)
- Marketing management (1)
- Marketingmanagement (1)
- Sustainable product (1)
- Werbeplanung (1)
- Öko-Produkt (1)
Can you believe it?
Green marketers are still looking for guidance which advertising appeal will most effectively convince consumers to buy organic food. Extant research mostly investigated the effectiveness of self-/other-benefit appeals and concrete/abstract framing. However, results are contradicting and only few studies examined these factors in combination. Therefore, we explored within an experimental study (representative German sample, n = 297) whether self-benefit appeals (e.g. health advantages) vs. other-benefit appeals (e.g. environmental benefits) or abstract message framing vs. concrete message framing are more effective in generating green purchase intentions. Furthermore, we investigate potential mediators to explore why certain appeals are better suited than others. Results demonstrate that, based on a higher salience of environmental benefit arguments in consumers’ minds, other-benefits are more effective in increasing green purchase intentions than self-benefits. Besides, concrete, low construal messages are perceived as more credible than abstractly framed messages, but do not generally increase purchase intentions. The effects of benefit type are completely mediated by message credibility and, to a lower extent, perceived product sustainability and perceived product quality. Our results suggest the use of environmental benefit arguments combined with concrete message framing in advertisement messages for organic food products.
This study investigates the potential of two different digital in-store technologies and advertisement message framings according to the construal-level theory for increasing sustainable consumption. This paper aims to provide managerial implications for the promotion of sustainable products at the point of sale as well as to theoretically contribute by integrating the literature streams of perceptual research, point-of-sale marketing and construal-level theory.
The authors tested their hypotheses in a two-week field experiment with a 2 (product label: organic vs local) × 2 (message framing: high vs low construal level) × 2 (presentation technology: digital signage vs augmented reality) between-subjects factorial design. The study was conducted in two grocery stores of different sizes using milk as a test product. Purchase data, as well as attention data gathered by facial recognition software, were analyzed.
Even though the magic mirror augmented reality application attracted significantly more attention, it did not significantly boost sales compared to the digital signage technology. In the larger store, the sales of the advertised sustainable products were significantly higher in both technology conditions than in the control condition without advertisement. If consumers pay enough attention to the promotion, results indicate that using messages with a concrete low-level construal is more useful for organic goods.
This study is the first investigating a combination of in-store technology and construal-level message framing for the promotion of sustainable products. It extends the retailing literature by proposing a two-step approach on how to use in-store technology effectively: (1) gaining attention and (2) matching messages to existing cognitions.
Gegenstand: Literaturanalyse zur Gestaltung von Werbeanzeigen für ökologisch nachhaltige Produkte sowie deren Positionierung und Pricing, aufbereitet für die Unternehmenspraxis Art des Arbeitspapiers: Praxisleitfaden Methode: Literaturanalyse Ziele: Analyse der wissenschaftlichen Literatur zu relevanten Einflussfaktoren auf den Erfolg von „green advertising“, also Werbemaßnahmen für ökologisch nachhaltige Produkte ; Insbesondere Betrachtung und Bewertung des Einflusses relevanter Gestaltungsfaktoren von Werbebotschaften (Formulierung & Design) auf Produktbewertung und Kaufabsicht von Konsumenten ; Übersetzung und Bündelung wissenschaftlicher Studienergebnisse in Orientierungskriterien für die Unternehmenspraxis ; Ableitung von Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung der Werbekommunikation für ökologisch nachhaltige Produkte (Werbebotschaften + Verpackungsdesign), deren Platzierung, Einordnung im Sortiment und Pricing Zentrale Ergebnisse: Prinzipiell besteht großes Potential, den Konsum ökologisch nachhaltiger Produkte in einer breiten Käuferschicht weiter auszubauen ; Der Erfolg von Werbebotschaften für diese Produkte hängt dabei von komplexen Wechselwirkungen der einzelnen Gestaltungsfaktoren untereinander und mit Produkteigenschaften ab ; Insbesondere ob ein Sozial- oder Individualnutzen des Produktes betont wird (self vs. other benefit) und das Framing von Botschaften werden als relevante Faktoren für die Gestaltung von Werbebotschaften für ökologisch nachhaltige Produkte beurteilt ; Die Nützlichkeit einzelner Gestaltungsfaktoren muss im Individualfall für ein einzelnes auf Basis der hier dargestellten Erkenntnisse geprüft werden
Consumers increasingly express the desire to buy more sustainable goods, but they can hardly assess which products are actually “green”. Mobile apps could assist shoppers at the point of sale to select the most environmentally sustainable products, for instance by comparing products or providing additional information. Our user-centric qualitative research provides first insights on how such an app should be designed to overcome purchase barriers. Furthermore, we test the influence of the developed sustainability app on consumers’ purchase intention and decision certainty in an experimental study.