The boundaryless enterprise
This book introduces readers to modern organizational concepts and their consequences for working people in the digital economy. Decentralization, networking, the merging of the physical and virtual worlds, and the ever-increasing interaction of human and artificial intelligence are (re) shaping organization and leadership. Digital technologies are changing the coordination of internal and external organizational processes and require new competencies. The aim of the book is to illustrate these interrelationships in a theoretically sound and practical manner.
The book is intended for students of business management and practicing business managers alike.
Today, data are increasing in importance for firms trying to create and maintain a competitive advantage. As value creation is highly dependent on this key resource, data, the necessity of re-designing firms’ business models arises. By conducting and analyzing 58 in-depth interviews, we contribute a distinct set of barriers to data-driven business model innovation showing how data-related, technology-related, aversions and regulatory hurdles are the most challenging. Based on six focus groups that discussed these findings, participants identified the necessity for a change in companies’ firm-centered perspectives on business. Hence, we propose a model of data-driven business ecosystems that aims to provide guidance for conducting successful business in a data-driven world.
Unsere Vision von KI in der Arbeitswelt: Ein Tag in einer
smarten Arbeitswelt wird uns hoffentlich mehr Zeit schenken:
wir müssen keine Formulare mehr ausfüllen, können unseren
Geist von automatisierten Aufgaben befreien und haben mehr
Zeit zuzuhören, Fragen zu stellen und Schlagwörter wie Gute
Arbeit mit Leben zu füllen.“ (Anne-Katrin Neyer & Claudia Lehmann)
Organizations increasingly experiment with new interfaces for knowledge sharing to foster innovation. More precisely, a variety of actors from inside and outside the organization who before hardly had any interfaces in their daily work are now expected to share their knowledge. Using data collected in an explorative qualitative study with innovation managers across Europe we explore what types of semantic and pragmatic boundaries exist as barriers to knowledge sharing at newly emerging interfaces. Thereby, distinct open and hidden behavioral patterns have been identified for each type of boundary. This understanding is a precondition for fostering and managing knowledge processes at newly emerging interfaces. Also, it enables practitioners and researchers alike to engage in a more nuanced discussion of these new facets of complexity of knowledge sharing in innovation projects.
Firms increasingly rely on business model innovation as a means to face challenges of a world in transition. We identify the conscious integration of products and services, i.e., product service systems, as a valuable strategy to radically innovate product-focused business models. Applying an exploratory multiple case study approach, we uncover five distinct kinds of services that specifically help firms to innovate their business model. These are (1) business consulting, (2) comprehensive services, (3) educational services, (4) financing services, and (5) information management services. The influence of these services on three components of business model innovation (value propositions, value chain architectures, and revenue streams) is discussed. In total, our study emphasizes that integrating specific services with products is an important driver for business model innovations.
This systematic review analyses literature on the work of hybrid value creation, i.e. the process of generating additional value by innovatively combining products (tangible component) and services (intangible component). A state of the art report on hybrid value creation is delivered by first systematically identifying and then analyzing 169 publications focusing on hybrid value creation. The identified publications are clustered into eight categories based on their links and interactions and thus a mapping of this evolving field is suggested. A discussion and reflection of the findings with respect to the pervasiveness of literature and the research methodologies used is provided. The paper concludes by identifying some dominant strategic gaps in the overall research landscape and provides directions for future research. Das Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es, einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung im Bereich hybrider Wertschöpfung zu geben. Hybride Wertschöpfung bezeichnet einen Prozess, bei dem durch innovative Kombination von Produkten (materielle Komponente) und Dienstleistungen (immaterielle Komponente) zusätzliche Werte geschaffen werden. Der aktuelle Stand des Forschungsfeldes wird auf Basis einer systematischen Literaturanalyse präsentiert. Insgesamt werden 169 Publikationen analysiert. Diese lassen sich in acht thematischen Kategorien bündeln. Eine systematische Analyse und Diskussion der grundlegenden Ansätze und Trends in jeder dieser Kategorien liefert ein Gesamtbild des aktuellen Forschungsstandes und zeigt zentrale Forschungslücken. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Ausblick auf die zukünftigen Herausforderungen der hybriden Wertschöpfung und Empfehlungen für zukünftige Forschung. Der Link unten führt Sie zum E-Book, vorausgesetzt, Ihre Bibliothek hat den Zugang zu Verlagsplattform lizensiert. The link below leads to the full text of the book under the precondition that you have access to the publisher's platform at your library.