Document Type
- Article (17)
- Part of a Book (6)
- Book (3)
- Conference Proceeding (3)
- Report (3)
- Contribution to a Periodical (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Digital transformation (7)
- SME (4)
- Dynamic capabilities (3)
- Value creation (3)
- Business model innovation (2)
- Digital leadership (2)
- Digitisation (2)
- Added value (1)
- Barriers (1)
- Business Governance (1)
The research project AgilHybrid aims to support SMEs and traditional industrial companies in innovating digital and hybrid business models. The focus of the project lies on needed processes, structures and competences for the successful innovation of digitally networked business models in the era of digital transformation. To this end, an interorganizational learning platform was developed during the project which is examined in this paper. Consisting of two parts named iCourious (being an online course) and iAccelerator (as a business model innovation tool), the platform connects learners from varying organizations. As a practice-oriented contribution, the paper elaborates on how different learners have developed their competences when using the platform. Whereas digital experts improve their skills from a good competence level to a slightly higher level, it is digital beginners that benefit most from learning on the platform.
Industrie 4.0 bringt neben vielen Potenzialen auch eine erhebliche Komplexitätssteigerung mit sich. Um dieser effektiv zu begegnen, bieten Demonstratoren einen wertstiftenden Beitrag. Ihr Einsatz erlaubt eine nutzerzentrierte Systementwicklung mit einhergehender Komplexitätsreduktion durch Modellierung und Simulation. Dieser Beitrag untersucht ihre Potenziale am Beispiel des Projektes „ConSensE“ mit Fokus auf Sensortechnologien und deren Nachrüstung.
Leitfaden zur Umsetzung von Trends
Das Leipziger Zukunftsmodell (LZM) begleitet Entscheider:innen bei einer systematischen Auseinandersetzung mit aktuellen wie zukünftig relevanten Trends. Grundlage des Modells sind die vier Phasen „Identifizieren“, „Übersetzen“, „Gestalten“ und „Umsetzen“. Das Workbook bietet einen praxisorientierten Leitfaden zur Identifizierung und Umsetzung von Trends in Unternehmen. Es befähigt dazu, Lösungen für die Chancen und Risiken des Wandels unserer Zeit zu erarbeiten und implementieren. Schritt für Schritt führt das Buch vom Trend zur Lösung durch den Prozess: relevante Trends identifizieren, Auswirkungen dieser Trends auf das eigene Geschäftsmodell übersetzen, konkrete Lösungen gestalten, um die sich ergebenden Chancen zu nutzen und Risiken zu minimieren, Maßnahmen erfolgreich umsetzen.
Das Buch ist ein aufwendig gelayoutetes Workbook für die einfache Umsetzung in die Praxis.
- Wandel als Treiber
- Aufbau des Zukunftsmodells
- Vom Trend zur Lösung
- Die Umsetzung neuer Lösungen erfolgreich wirksam begleiten
Digital Transformation (DT) has become a challenge and opportunity for firms competing in dynamic and volatile markets. Especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) face difficulties within the digitalization process based on their limited resources and capabilities. It is essential to understand which factors influence this process to enable the success of DT in SMEs. However, there is fragmented research on DT in SMEs. To close this gap this paper aims to identify and categorize the influencing factors of DT in SMEs by building on the Attention Based View (ABV). Therefore, a systematic literature review was conducted with a total of 75 papers published from January 2012 to January 2022. 354 factors were identified. With the help of Gioia-Method a taxonomy was created. The main finding of the research is a taxonomy, which consist of three main categories and 17 sub-categories, which organize the factors identified from the sample. The taxonomy answers the calls in research for a comprehensive and tangible picture on the influencing factors of DT in SME independent from disciplines or industries. For practitioners the taxonomy allows to understand and approach what specific factors influence their digital transformation journey and where to put attention.
Despite considerable interest from academics and management professionals in creating sustainable, competitive advantages through business model innovation (BMI), and highly-prominent BMI success stories, the contemporary understanding of how company-internal antecedents can enable systematic BMI remains limited. However, this specific knowledge is necessary if companies are to repeatedly exploit BMI's strategic and financial benefits. Therefore, this paper aims to reveal the internal antecedents by applying an in-depth qualitative research approach to the systematic BMI of all five German automotive manufacturers. The results show that systematic BMI is enabled through: 1) unified orientation; 2) dynamic orchestration; 3) flexible operations; 4) adjacent fields, which are underpinned by 16 distinct second-order themes. These findings significantly enhance the theoretical and managerial understanding of the enabling factors for BMI, and contribute unique empirical insights to the ongoing academic debate - particularly from the perspectives of dynamic capabilities and strategic agility.
Leadership's long arm
Introduction: In this qualitative study, we examine digital leadership (DL) capabilities and their positive influence on the management of technology-driven change by leveraging service innovations. The context of digital transformation (DT) has triggered a new leadership paradigm, among others referred to as digital leadership (DL). However, despite its practical relevance, leadership research has yet paid little attention to conceptualise DL as an approach to digitally transform organisations.
Methods: Drawing on mid- and top-level mangers’ experiences with service innovation projects, and based on Grounded Theory, we develop a taxonomy of DL-related capabilities and a conceptual framework which exemplifies their influences on dynamic service innovation capabilities (DSICs). DSICs build on the dynamic capabilities view (DCV) and represent the “organisational muscle” to repeatedly deliver service innovations indicating an effective management of technology-driven change.
Results and Discussion: Taxonomy results show that aggregated dimensions in terms of a digital leader’s personal, social, and organisational capital serve as underpinnings (DL-related capabilities) to drive strategic change in DT contexts. The conceptual framework further reveals that especially the personal and organisational capital of a digital leader owns several strong and moderate influences on DSICs which demonstrates DL’s “long arm” on the management of technology-driven change. Our findings contribute to leadership research by advancing the conceptualisation of DL and by adding a novel micro-foundational perspective towards the DCV discourse. As organisations struggle to realise the full benefits of DT initiatives, our results also provide a valuable contribution for practitioners by supporting them to strategically prepare for the human-related challenges of DT.
This paper seeks to explore innovation in new work practices in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic and identify which indicators of same lead to workplace attractiveness. From a socio-demographic perspective, service industry employees constituted the focus of this study. The study employed a two-step mixed-methods approach. First, the qualitative component deduced a data structure of innovative new work practices by conducting 21 semi-structured interviews with top- and middle-level managers. Second, hypotheses were formulated based on the qualitative data, and a quantitative survey with 155 employees was used to test the effectiveness and attractiveness of innovative new work practices using psychological empowerment as a mediator. The data structure was conceptualised according to three dimensions: (i) innovating approaches to new work, (ii) innovating leadership attitudes, and (iii) innovating organisational culture. The results of the quantitative study suggest that the innovation in leadership attitude and in organisational culture have a strong influence on psychological empowerment, thereby positively influencing workplace attractiveness. This article contributes to a uniform understanding of innovative work practices in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through empirical testing, the article highlights specific indicators of innovation in work that lead to increased workplace attractiveness. Service organisations during such crises as pandemics can concentrate on the three dimensions and the specific indicators to implement innovative work measures while increasing workplace attractiveness for their employees.
Wo stehen Leipziger Unternehmen bei der Gestaltung einer innovationsförderlichen Unternehmenskultur? Ist Leipzig hinsichtlich der Innovationsfähigkeit wettbewerbsfähig? Was hat sich mit Corona und weiteren Großereignissen wie dem Ukraine-Krieg verändert? Das sind die zentralen Fragen, die mit der vom Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Leipzig geförderten und gemeinsam mit der Handelshochschule Leipzig (HHL) durchgeführten Studie zur Leipziger Innovationskultur beantwortet werden. Ziel war es, den Status-Quo der Innovationskultur in verschiedenen Branchen der Stadt Leipzig zu untersuchen und darauf aufbauend die wichtigsten Handlungsfelder für die Weiterentwicklung hin zu einer innovationsförderlichen Unternehmenskultur zu identifizieren.
Herausgeber: Digital Impact Labs Leipzig GmbH, ein Unternehmen der LF Gruppe und HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. Gesamtleitung: Dr. Michael Wächter, Dr. Justine Walter, Prof. Dr. Claudia Lehmann, Silvia Schönstedt,Timo Brunner. Weitere Mitarbeit: Melina Friedrich. Artdirektion: Monique Beauvais. Leipziger Foren Services GmbH,
The organizational digital transformation (ODT) in companies presents small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – who remain at the beginning of this transformation – with the challenge of offering digital services based on sensor technologies. Against this backdrop, the present paper identifies ways SMEs can enable digital servitization through sensor technology and defines the possible scope of the organizational transformation process.
Around 21 semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts from different hierarchical levels across the German manufacturing SME ecosystem. Using the Gioia methodology, fields of action were identified by focusing on influencing factors and opportunities for developing these digital services to offer them successfully in the future.
The complexity of existing sensor offerings must be mastered, and employees' (data) understanding of the technology has increased. Knowledge gaps, which mainly relate to technical and organizational capabilities, must be overcome. The potential of sensor technology was considered on an individual, technical and organizational level. To enable the successful implementation of service offerings based on sensor technology, all relevant stakeholders in the ecosystem must network to facilitate shared value creation. This requires standardized technical and procedural adaptations and is an essential prerequisite for data mining.
Based on this study, current problem areas were analyzed, and potentials that create opportunities for offering digital sensor services to manufacturing SMEs were identified. The identified influencing factors form a conceptual framework that supports SMEs' future development of such services in a structured manner.
Leading in the digital age
Although firms rely on employees’ innovative work behaviour and effective leadership to achieve service innovation performance, these relations remain underexplored, especially regarding digital leadership. We conceptualise a digital leader’s capabilities and explore influences on innovative work behaviour and service innovation performance, using the dynamic capabilities view as a theoretical lens. Applying a multi-method exploratory research design, our qualitative results, based on 34 expert interviews, deliver a taxonomy of digital leadership capabilities along three dimensions. With 249 survey participants, we quantitatively tested dimensional influences individually (multidimensional view) and collectively (unidimensional view) using structural equation modelling. In line with our mediation results, both views are significantly positively related to innovative work behaviour; still, only the unidimensional view significantly influences service innovation performance. Our results underpin the comprehensive character of digital leadership capabilities contributing to innovation research with a new “antecedal” perspective. We also provide practical relevance by revealing innovation-effective leadership capabilities.
Digital value creation poses a challenge for many organizations. In line with our research, value is created by combining hybrid service bundles into product service systems. Companies combine resources and human performance to create and distribute goods and services. In doing so, they create sociotechnical systems of value creation. The human factor within sociotechnical systems is a significant contributor to value creation. This study compares the contribution of organizational and human factors in developing digital product service systems. A computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) with 200 German companies was conducted to understand how organizational structure, business model innovation (BMI) processes and employer qualification influence BMI. Results show that human factors have the strongest impact on developing digital networked business models. Hereby, the form of equipping the workforce plays a crucial role. As a result, organizations should focus on qualification of work to equip themselves and their employees for digital value creation.
This paper focuses on challenges regarding managerial behaviour and productivity in the context of digitalisation. It is neither understood precisely how managerial behaviours transcribe digital strategy into economic success nor how opportunities from digital innovations are transferred into productivity. A systematic literature review (SLR) is applied to acquire an organised overview of the research question “How does managerial behaviour concerning digital innovations change productivity?” The outcomes of this paper are threefold: (1) The research question will be answered by showing several aspects managers can make use of to influence productivity. In this regard knowledge, change management and data-driven behaviours, the creation of collaborative settings, and (customer) co-creative aspects are of particular importance. (2) Executives will be motivated to reflect and calibrate their own practices. (3) The Gutenberg rooted framework of production factors is used to discuss the results and six suggestions are made to transform the model to digital readiness.
Implementation of digital technologies requires financial resources to create value. These resources are more limited in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and digital use cases or best practices are not well known. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate how SME managers are adding value and achieving a measurable return on investment (ROI) by using certain digital technologies. The results of this study were derived from 48 in-depth expert interviews conducted within cross-sectoral SMEs in Germany. The findings showed a set of 57 ROIs based on multiple digital use cases. Here, digital solutions either increased revenue through higher sales and new business models or cut operational expenditure (OPEX) and personnel costs. This study’s weighted digital ROI average was 33.77, with a median of 5.29. The results emphasize the need to implement digital solutions, offer robust guidelines to support SMEs with their digitization strategy and help measure the tangible value of digital projects. Moreover, the suggested technologies and added value can be used as benchmarks. As this study examines the impact of digital transformation on SMEs’ business performance, the research is novel, and the presented ROI calculations are original. The findings enrich the literature on entrepreneurial SMEs.
Viele kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) befinden sich in einem Transformationsprozess, der die von ihnen angebotenen Dienstleistungen und Produkte genauso verändert wie ihre Geschäftsprozesse und Organisationsstrukturen. Die Wertschöpfung einzelner Unternehmen verändert sich zur Wert Co-Creation innerhalb eines Produktionsnetzwerkes. Hierbei spielt die Generierung sowie der Austausch von Daten über den gesamten Produktlebenszyklus eine Schlüsselrolle. Diese ermöglichen die Zusammenarbeit, um mittels Datenanalysen geeignete Dienstleistungen für Endkunden anzubieten. Zur Realisierung einer umfassenden digitalen Wertschöpfungskette ist ein Umdenken von Unternehmen und deren Mitarbeitenden in vernetzten Dienstleistungssystemen notwendig. Dies ist in vielen Fällen nicht so einfach umsetzbar, da Dienstleistungssysteme und deren Entwicklung durch eine hohe Komplexität gekennzeichnet sind. Der nachstehende Artikel zeigt auf, welchen Herausforderungen und Chancen KMU im Transformationsprozess gegenüberstehen und wie insbesondere der Einbezug der Aspekte digitaler Souveränität dazu beitragen kann, verschiedenste Stakeholder und Ressourcen kollaborativ auf ein gemeinsames Wertversprechen zu bündeln und nutzerzentrierte Dienstleistungssysteme zu entwickeln. Souveränität wird in diesem Kontext als die Eigenschaft verstanden, sich selbstständig über relevante Technologien sowie neue technische Möglichkeiten zu informieren, um darauf aufbauend zwischen mehreren Optionen das passende und nutzenstiftenden Angebot auszuwählen, sodass die Fragen „Was bedeutet Digitalisierung für mein Unternehmen und wie setze ich den strategischen Kurs?“ beantwortet werden können.
The purpose is to provide a framework guiding service organizations while adopting new work practices and to specify effects of psychological empowerment. This research is based on a mixed-method approach to establish new theory and to determine correlations. It is claimed that the managerial framework ensures solid foundation for the quantitative analysis arguing that new work practices have positive effects on service organizations. This study contributes to new work and service literature by equipping service organizations with a framework and stating the positive effects on employees using psychological empowerment as a mediator where employees are the central resource to success.
Zukunftsland Sachsen
Designing Smart Cities
This paper presents the design and content of a business model course for executive education. The course is inspired by the Scandinavian participatory design approach, which invites cross-disciplinary and interactive engagement. It demonstrates how a situated learning experience enables a contextual process of inquiry among participants.
Today, data are increasing in importance for firms trying to create and maintain a competitive advantage. As value creation is highly dependent on this key resource, data, the necessity of re-designing firms’ business models arises. By conducting and analyzing 58 in-depth interviews, we contribute a distinct set of barriers to data-driven business model innovation showing how data-related, technology-related, aversions and regulatory hurdles are the most challenging. Based on six focus groups that discussed these findings, participants identified the necessity for a change in companies’ firm-centered perspectives on business. Hence, we propose a model of data-driven business ecosystems that aims to provide guidance for conducting successful business in a data-driven world.
The emergence of FinTechs, InsurTechs and the ever-increasing regulatory pressure have accelerated insurance companies' need to innovate their business models and to find novel sources of value creation and cost-saving. This study provides a deep insight into various internal and external barriers influencing business model innovation in the German insurance industry. Results of interviews conducted with 23 experts working in established insurance firms operating in Germany showed that internal barriers constitute more of a hindrance than external barriers. This dynamic holds especially true for regulations, as the fear of breaching external regulation fosters the development of even stronger internal rules that fundamentally impede business model innovation.