Document Type
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- Einzelhandel (4)
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- Onlinehandel (4)
- Amazon (3)
- Buchhandel (3)
- Quick-Commerce (3)
- Stationärer Handel (3)
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- Attributionsmodelle (2)
- B2B (2)
Retailers’ communication support for their price promotions is shifting from traditional flyers and circulars (so-called feature ads) to conventional media channels, especially digital ads. It is not clear, if and how supporting price promotion with advertising in digital media benefits sales of the promoted product above and beyond the price promotion itself. Further, retail managers require guidance on whether only the promoted product or also their overall business gains from ad support (e.g., from category or cross-period expansions) to negotiate trade promotion support with manufacturers of the promoted products. Using a field experiment with a grocery retailer, we decompose the effects of the advertising support of price discount promotions across digital and print marketing channels. We find that the effectiveness assessment of the advertising channels depends on the beneficiary: while digital channels most effectively support sales of the promoted product (35 % uplift vs. non-promotion period) – especially for popular consumer-pull products (+85 %), traditional print channels improve the performance for the retailer as a whole (+3 % uplift of the total category sales), with a combination of ads having the largest effect (+5 % uplift of the total category sales). This research offers guidance for retail and manufacturer managers tasked with designing price promotions and configuring the ad support across channels, and negotiating trade promotion budgets or manufacturer support for the advertisements.
Sogenannte „nachhaltige Influencer“ versuchen durch Posts in den sozialen Medien zu nachhaltigem Verhalten und Konsum zu motivieren. Doch posten nachhaltige Influencer richtig? Unsere aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass Zielgruppe und Zeitpunkt der Influencer-Posts eine entscheidende Rolle spielen und Verbesserungspotential besteht.
Preaching to the choir
Green influencers are crucial in promoting sustainable lifestyles, but their impact may vary depending on their audience. Their behavioral effect might be limited if they were mainly “preaching to the choir” of like-minded green followers who likely already consume sustainably. The purpose of this research is to (1) investigate the communication practices of green influencers and their followers as an indicator of their green attitudes (and a potential influencer-follower attitude fit) and (2) understand the effect of consumer green attitudes on their response to green influencer messages. Field data reveal the high influencer-follower fit in green attitudes in that they mostly talk about green topics. Two experiments with real and fictional influencers show the negative implications of this attitude fit: the effect of green influencer posts on consumers’ usage intention is weaker when these consumers have similar green attitudes as the influencers (fit), whereas the effect is stronger when these posts reach a non-green audience (non-fit). This implies that green influencers should focus on reaching a non-green audience when promoting green consumption; alternatively, green behavioral intentions might increase through sustainable messages from non-green (e.g., beauty) influencers.
Mit der erneuten Insolvenz von Galeria-Karstadt-Kaufhof fragen sich viele Städte, welche Auswirkungen eine mögliche Schließung „ihres“ Warenhauses auf die Innenstadt hat. Auf Basis von Daten vergangener Galeria-Karstadt-Kaufhof-Schließungen wagt dieser Beitrag wagt eine erste grobe Analyse der Auswirkung einer Warenhausschließung auf Besucherfrequenzen in der Innenstadt.
A subversive phenomenon is challenging advertisers and brand managers: adbusting, a form of activism that alters existing brand communication (e.g., a billboard ad) to promote social/political issues (e.g., pro-environmental behavior) or denounces the targeted brand (e.g., its labor standards). We conceptualize the effect of adbusting on consumers and provide empirical evidence that adbusting has ambiguous effects on consumers' brand perception. On the one hand, the incongruency of the message with consumers' existing brand schemata raises ad awareness. On the other hand, the effect of an adbust on subsequent cognitive and behavioral outcomes depends on the content of the adbust: if the brand itself is targeted (vs. a social or political issue), brand perception, word-of-mouth, and purchase intention are negatively affected. This negative effect is mitigated if the adbust targets a social/political issue. In a mixed-method design, we use a panel of real-world adbusts (Pilot Study) and four experimental studies (Studies 1–4) to shed light on these effects.
This research explores the characteristics of green influencer messages on follower engagement by examining the interplay between message framing (gain vs. loss), construal level (high vs. low), and post timing (weekdays vs. weekends). Green influencers (also: greenfluencers or sustainable influencers) are considered a key agent for a change to more sustainable consumption. A pilot field study of 1000 green influencers, however, indicates that the current communication practices of green influencers (which strongly focus on gain frames, low construal, and posts during the week) are not ideal for maximizing engagement and sustainable behavioral intentions. Two experiments replicate this finding and establish the process through which green influencer posts affect engagement: gain frames increase fluency, which increases engagement; low construal levels decrease psychological distance, which increases engagement. Timing moderates these processes in that weekend posts increase the engagement with gain frames and week posts increase the engagement with low-construal frames. These findings highlight that there is no silver bullet in green influencer messages, but that green influencers need to adapt the framing and construal of their messages to the posts' timing to increase their contribution to more sustainable lifestyles and the greater good.
Rewe-Produkte verfügbar auf Flink, Flink listet auf Lieferando — mal liefert Flink mal Lieferando aus. Nicht nur in Leipzig sind viele erstaunt über die neuen Kooperationen im Markt für Lieferdienste. Flink sichert sich frisches Kapital und spricht von „bevorzugter Partnerschaft“ mit Lieferando. Kommt die dritte Welle der Marktbereinigung?
Many e-commerce retailers are adding “bricks to clicks” - that is, opening an offline channel in addition to their digital sales channel(s). Taking the perspective of such an online pure player, this research assesses the effects of offline channel additions on the financial performance (e.g., sales, profits) and customer behavior (e.g., basket size, return rate) in the extended channel network as well as the initial online channel of the retailer. Across two studies, one at the zip code level and the other at the customer level, we find that the channel addition of a fashion and lifestyle retailer is synergistic in terms of increasing not only overall sales but also profits. At the same time, the new offline channel does not significantly cannibalize the existing online shop, as new customers are attracted through the channel addition. The effects of channel additions, however, are influenced by characteristics of customers gained before the channel addition and of the trade area around the newly opened stores: among existing customers, those who bought more in the online channel do not react as positively to the addition of an offline channel, and trade areas with socioeconomic characteristics that are often viewed as disadvantageous for digital retailing (e.g., an older population, lower average income) show a stronger positive sales effect of a brick-and-mortar addition. The attractiveness of the offline channel for these customer segments highlights that adding bricks to clicks might be most attractive for those customers who were previously unwilling to purchase from an online-only retailer.
Der B2B-Onlinehandel kann als „schlafender Riese“ bezeichnet werden, der im Potential zwar deutlich größer ist als der B2C-Handel, aber bisher relativ wenig Aufmerksamkeit erfahren hat. Die Wachstumsaussichten für diesen Markt übersteigen die des B2C-Onlinehandels, da bisher ein viel geringerer Teil des B2B-Handels in Onlineshops abgewickelt wird.
Trotz dieses Marktpotentials gibt es bisher relativ wenige Studien zu Einflussfaktoren auf die Kundenzufriedenheit im B2B-Onlinehandel.
Die vorliegende Untersuchung widmet sich der Betrachtung von Zahlungsmitteln als eine wichtige Komponente im Kaufprozess.
Die Bedeutung des privaten Onlinehandels hat stark zugenommen. Ist dies eine Gefahr für den stationären Handel? Der folgende Beitrag findet kein Gegeneinander, sondern argumentiert für ein Miteinander der Verkaufskanäle. Unter dem Schlagwort „Omni-Channeling“ können Händler das Nullsummenspiel der Verkaufskanalgegensätze in eine „Win-Win“-Situation umwandeln. Dabei helfen sich ergänzende Fähigkeiten der Kanäle, segmentspezifische Kundenpräferenzen und der Werbeeffekt der Kanäle.
Ad avoidance (e.g., “blinding out” digital ads) is a substantial problem for advertisers. Avoiding mobile banner ads differs from active ad avoidance in nonmobile (desktop) settings, because mobile phone users interact with ads to avoid them: (1) They classify new content at the bottom of their screens; if they see an ad, they (2) scroll so that it is out of the locus of attention and (3) position it at a peripheral location at the top of the screen while focusing their attention on the (non-ad) content in the screen center. Introducing viewport logging to marketing research, we capture granular ad-viewing patterns from users’ screens (i.e., viewports). While mobile users’ ad-viewing patterns are concave over the viewport (with more time at the periphery than in the screen center), viewing patterns on desktop computers are convex (most time in the screen center). Consequently, we show that the effect of viewing time on recall depends on the position of an ad in interaction with the device. An eye-tracking study and an experiment show that 43% to 46% of embedded mobile banner ads are likely to suffer from ad avoidance, and that ad recall is 6 to 7 percentage points lower on mobile phones (versus desktop).
Empirical dynamic modelling for exploring complex time series in management and marketing research
Many research problems are characterized by complex relationships between time series variables, such as simultaneity (e.g., feedback loops between communication channels) and state-dependence (e.g., marketing interactions with observed and unobserved sales channel variables). The authors introduce empirical dynamic models (EDM) to management and marketing research. EDM is a nonlinear methodology that helps researchers to investigate simultaneous (i.e., bidirectional and same-period) and state-dependent (i.e., nonlinear and interacting) relationships with aggregate time series data. The authors demonstrate EDM capabilities and boundaries within the challenging omnichannel case. To study omnichannel systems, researchers often must rely on aggregate data: Despite more individual tracking, the data is often not available for offline channels or comprehensively integrated across channels. A simulation study, that derives aggregate time series from an individual data generation mechanism, explores conditions and boundaries under which EDM is suitable for identifying, predicting and attributing relationships between variables. We benchmark EDM against vector autoregression, regression, and machine learning models and provide application criteria for EDM. Next, the authors confirm the capabilities of EDM in an empirical investigation of interrelated brick-and-mortar, online, and mobile channels from a large European fashion retailer, finding evidence for mostly synergetic but strongly state-dependent relationships among the channels.
Zukunftsland Sachsen
Im Zeitalter von „KI“ und „Big Data“ wirkt es für viele Händler so, als könnten nur komplexe Analysemethoden den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg eines Handelsunternehmens garantieren. Oft wird suggeriert, dass sich jedes Problem mithilfe einer versierten künstlichen Intelligenz lösen ließe. Dies stimmt zwar im Prinzip. Aber es ist nur die halbe Wahrheit. Denn vor der komplexen Analyse muss ein viel wichtigerer Schritt kommen: Datenintegration vor Datenanalyse. Das heißt die Verknüpfung und Qualitätssteigerung aller vorhandenen Daten steht vor der Analyse dieser.
„Quick-Commerce“ wird seit dem Start von Gorillas und Rewes Investition in Flink derart hochgejubelt, dass teils schon vom nächsten „Megatrend im E-Commerce“ und vom „größten und letzten unbesetzten Fleck im Handel“ gesprochen wird. Aber kann sich Quick-Commerce rechnen? Und unter welchen Bedingungen? Der folgende Beitrag versucht eine Einschätzung aus der Außensicht.
Nach dem extrem starken Wachstum der Corona-Jahre sinken die Umsätze im Onlinehandel in vielen Branchen. Doch der Fokus der öffentlichen Diskussion liegt meist nur auf dem Endkundengeschäft, mit bekannten Unternehmen von Amazon bis Zalando. Was passiert aber im weit weniger bekannten B2B-Onlinehandel?