Document Type
- Part of a Book (4)
- Article (2)
- Book (1)
- Working Paper (1)
- Co-creation (1)
- Complexity (1)
- Information system design (1)
- New product development (1)
- SME (1)
- Solution space (1)
Already for nearly three decades, Mass Customization (MC) has been described as a viable business model for companies in diverse sectors. Nonetheless, the introduction and the successful operation of an MC approach is a challenging endeavor for companies of all sizes. In this article, special attention is given to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which increasingly collaborate in networks to successfully develop complex, mass-customized products. While collaboration allows for pooling several areas of expertise, the cross-organizational development poses challenges in manifold regards. To study these challenges, we set up a network business process model developed with four SMEs from the German high-tech textile industry. Based on the current literature on capabilities for MC, we evaluate the challenges of MC in SME networks detected in our network business process model to underpin the need for further research. In our study, we detail the conceptual analysis of such network-based scenarios along our process model for three focal areas: (1) co-creation, (2) solution space development, and (3) information system design. We construe the need for further research and derive implications for both academia and practice. Keywords: complexity, co-creation, information system design, new product development, SME, solution space
An efficient and sustainable use of resources is a core task for every company to ensure competitiveness and long-term success. Compared to large companies and corporations, SMEs have fewer capacities and knowledge of how to implement resource efficiency. Therefore, we explored the drivers and barriers for SMEs in order to both overcome existing challenges and address sustainability opportunities. The empirical field is the textile industry in Germany, which is considered particularly interesting due to high competitive pressure, long value chains, and its niche specialization. For this purpose, we conducted 14 interviews with company representatives of textile SME mass customizers in Germany. The results show that there is a wide range of possibilities for a more sustainable use of resources, which help textile companies gain a great economic advantage. Findings include three drivers and barriers each, for SMEs to implement sustainability-focused activities. Managerial implications present both recommendations for the textile industry as well as related SMEs in other domains. Keywords sustainable development, sustainability, mass customization, B2B, textile industry
Since Pine’s (1993) seminal work, much has been written about mass customization (MC). However, existing studies focus mainly on B2C markets, paying far less attention to B2B. This is striking because early examples of MC include business markets, which differ from consumer markets in many respects. For instance, business customers have always profited from individualized offers. MC is, therefore, not about increasing output diversity while maintaining cost advantages of mass production. It is rather the opposite, i.e., maintaining the established degree of individualization while moving from made-to-order production to more and more standardized (supposedly IT-based) co-creation process. Our chapter provides insight into the current challenges for introducing MC on B2B markets. It uses service-dominant logic as a framework of analysis. We analyze in particular to what extent the creation and perception of customer value differs between B2C and B2B markets. Avenues for future research are proposed.
The mass customization (MC) business model has gained wide recognition in practice. In theory, the topic was considered on a rather general level or focused on the B2C segment. However, there is littleresearch on business models in B2B markets. Particularly for specialized SMEs in high-wage countries, MC seems highly promising due to its efficiencies. The textile industry represents an example for narrow-specialized SMEs, especially focusing on the German market. The data we collected during 29 on-site visits through 33 interviews allowed us to map the three most common business model patterns of this industry regarding their characteristics in the B2B domain. _x000D_ Keywords business models, B2B, mass customization
The importance of services increases due to the intensifying international integration. In this context we will present crucial factors for providers of training and education who want to export their services. Notwithstanding the German model cannot simply be reproduced in foreign countries; hence an interview-based study was started in order to make concrete statements on adaptation measures. Results are derived from managers in Tunisia and Germany as part of the governmental funded project BRIDGE, which aims at enabling training providers to export educational services in the medium and long term. First findings suggest the existence of barriers and source from qualitative data analysis. Furthermore, first relevant factors concerning the concrete training and educational design drawn from the case study will showcase how to successfully export services. The language of the working paper is German.
Die Bedeutung von Dienstleistungen wächst durch die zunehmenden internationalen Verflechtungen signifikant. In diesem Zusammenhang sollen in der vorliegenden Studie wichtige Faktoren für den Export von wissensintensiven Dienstleistungen aufgezeigt werden. Da das deutsche Aus- und Weiterbildungsmodell ohne spezifische Anpassungen nicht in ein Zielland übertragen werden kann, sollen in dieser Untersuchung konkrete Aussagen getroffen werden, die Bildungsexporteure bei der Erbringung ihrer Dienstleistungen unterstützen sollen. Die qualitative Untersuchung basiert auf 18 Interviews, die mit Führungskräften in Deutschland und Tunesien geführt wurden. Wir argumentieren, dass auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen Barrieren existieren, die teilweise durch eine intensivere Kommunikation überwunden oder minimiert werden können. Abschließend werden Handlungsempfehlungen für den Export von Bildungsdienstleistungen abgeleitet.