Document Type
- Article (4)
- Contribution to a Periodical (2)
- Barriers (1)
- Business ecosystems (1)
- Business model innovation (1)
- Business models (1)
- Data-driven business model innovation (1)
- Incumbents (1)
- Insurance industry (1)
- Open innovation (1)
- Participatory Design (1)
- Regulation (1)
Designing Smart Cities
This paper presents the design and content of a business model course for executive education. The course is inspired by the Scandinavian participatory design approach, which invites cross-disciplinary and interactive engagement. It demonstrates how a situated learning experience enables a contextual process of inquiry among participants.
Today, data are increasing in importance for firms trying to create and maintain a competitive advantage. As value creation is highly dependent on this key resource, data, the necessity of re-designing firms’ business models arises. By conducting and analyzing 58 in-depth interviews, we contribute a distinct set of barriers to data-driven business model innovation showing how data-related, technology-related, aversions and regulatory hurdles are the most challenging. Based on six focus groups that discussed these findings, participants identified the necessity for a change in companies’ firm-centered perspectives on business. Hence, we propose a model of data-driven business ecosystems that aims to provide guidance for conducting successful business in a data-driven world.
The emergence of FinTechs, InsurTechs and the ever-increasing regulatory pressure have accelerated insurance companies' need to innovate their business models and to find novel sources of value creation and cost-saving. This study provides a deep insight into various internal and external barriers influencing business model innovation in the German insurance industry. Results of interviews conducted with 23 experts working in established insurance firms operating in Germany showed that internal barriers constitute more of a hindrance than external barriers. This dynamic holds especially true for regulations, as the fear of breaching external regulation fosters the development of even stronger internal rules that fundamentally impede business model innovation.
Die menschliche und damit untrennbar verbunden auch die wirtschaftliche Entwicklungsgeschichte ist seit jeher geprägt von Unwägbarkeiten und Krisen. Diese haben schon im jeweiligen Verlauf, doch vor allem in der Zeit danach zu Entwicklungen geführt, die für die Lebensrealität der Menschen sowie das Wirtschaftsgeschehen teils abrupte und tiefgreifende Veränderungen mit sich brachten. Solch ein Bild zeichnet sich nun auch während der COVID-19-Pandemie ab. Um die Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft und die Gesellschaft einzuordnen, werden aktuell häufig die Wirtschaftskrisen von 1929 und 2008 vergleichend herangezogen.
The mass customization (MC) business model has gained wide recognition in practice. In theory, the topic was considered on a rather general level or focused on the B2C segment. However, there is littleresearch on business models in B2B markets. Particularly for specialized SMEs in high-wage countries, MC seems highly promising due to its efficiencies. The textile industry represents an example for narrow-specialized SMEs, especially focusing on the German market. The data we collected during 29 on-site visits through 33 interviews allowed us to map the three most common business model patterns of this industry regarding their characteristics in the B2B domain. _x000D_ Keywords business models, B2B, mass customization