Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (6)
- Antecedents (1)
- Big data (1)
- Big data analytics (1)
- Business process management (1)
- Business-to-Business Marketing (1)
- China (1)
- Competitive advantage (1)
- Design Thinking (1)
- Dienstleistungsinnovation (1)
- Dynamic capabilities (1)
At present, service-oriented organizations must confront growing challenges and competition due to the rapid pace of digital transformation and a shortage of skilled workers, catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This publication-based dissertation project covers research on the antecedents of service innovation as dynamic capabilities with the aim of enhancing competitive advantage, given the current business dynamics. The first section of this dissertation introduces service innovation as a dynamic capability, emphasizes the need for antecedents of service innovation, and summarizes the four research papers that make up this dissertation. The second section presents a qualitative research paper employing a grounded theory approach. Digital leadership-related capabilities are conceptualized and the impact on dynamic service innovation capabilities in digital transformation contexts is derived using an inductive framework. The third section is a mixed-method research paper that qualitatively conceptualizes innovative new work practices in service organizations and quantitatively assesses their effects on workplace attractiveness for employees. The fourth section presents a multi-method exploratory research paper that identifies digital leadership capabilities using expert interviews and measures the influence of these capabilities on service innovation performance. The research paper in the fifth section uses a structural equation model as a methodological frame. It identifies employee-perceived service innovations and validates customer expectations within the context of political behavior. The sixth section concludes the dissertation project, summarizing the theoretical and practical contribution, describing limitations, and outlining further ideas for research.
Data as a production factor
Big Data has been among the most innovative topics in literature sources and among organizations for years. Even though only few organizations realized the significant value potentials described by contemporary literature sources, it is widely acknowledged that data assets can provide significant competitive benefits. Given the promises regarding value increases and competitiveness, practitioners as well as academia desire systematic approaches to transform the data sets into measurable assets. This dissertation investigates the current state of literature, conducts an empirical investigation through a structural equation modeling and applies existing theory to develop a model that allows organizations to apply a systematic approach to measure the value of Big Data specifically to their organization. With Business Process Management as the foundation of the model, IT as well as business functions will be able to successfully apply the model. Based on the assumption that Data is acknowledged as a production factor, the developed model supports organizations to justify Big Data investment decisions and thereby to contribute to competitiveness and company value. Furthermore, the findings and the model equip future researchers with a framework that can be adapted for industry-specific purposes, validated in different organizational contexts or dismantled to investigate specific success factors.
Iphigenie Leandra Kiefer untersucht in diesem Open-Access-Buch, welchen Beitrag die Implementierung von Design Thinking zur marktorientierten Unternehmensführung und zum Unternehmenserfolg leistet. Auf der Grundlage einer branchenübergreifenden empirischen Untersuchung mit über 100 mittelständischen und großen Unternehmen entwickelt sie ein Erklärungsmodell, welches die zentaralen Einflussfaktoren für eine erfolgreiche Implementierung in großen und mittelständischen Unternehmen aufzeigt. Hierfür entwickelt sie ein Messmodell zur Operationalisierung des Design Thinking Mindset. Es werden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet, wie Führungsverantwortliche Design Thinking unter Berücksichtigung unternehmens- spezifischer Einflussfaktoren in Unternehmen erfolgreich implementieren und den organisa- tionalen Barrieren im Zusammenhang mit der Implementierung von Design Thinking gezielt entgegenwirken können.