Chair of Marketing Management and Sustainability
Document Type
- Article (111)
- Part of a Book (109)
- Doctoral Thesis (68)
- Working Paper (35)
- Book (22)
- Other (15)
- Conference Proceeding (14)
- Periodical (7)
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- Contribution to a Periodical (2)
- Marketing (6)
- Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung (3)
- Below-the-line (2)
- Bioökonomie (2)
- COVID-19-Pandemie (2)
- Consumer behavior (2)
- Corporate sustainability (2)
- Deutschland (2)
- Effektivität (2)
- Effizienz (2)
- Chair of Marketing Management and Sustainability (389)
- Chair of Marketing and Retail (4)
- Chair of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (3)
- Chair of Economic and Business Ethics (2)
- Chair of IT-based Logistics (2)
- Chair of Accounting and Auditing (1)
- Chair of Business Psychology and Leadership (1)
Dieses bewährte Standardwerk liefert Studierenden im Bachelor- und Masterprogramm sowie Praktikern umfassende Grundlagen des Marketingmanagements und widmet sich eingehend allen neuen Entwicklungen der marktorientierten Unternehmensführung.
In der 14. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel überarbeitet. Insbesondere hat die Bedeutung der Nachhaltigkeit die Autoren dazu veranlasst, die Definition des Marketingbegriffs zu erweitern und dabei der Nachhaltigkeit eine besonders wichtige Rolle einzuräumen. Als Konsequenz dieser neuen Definition des Marketing werden an verschiedenen Stellen des Buches die Auswirkungen der Nachhaltigkeit auf die marktorientierte Unternehmensführung erläutert (bspw. in Kap. 4 zur Marketingstrategie). Zudem wurden neue Entwicklungen im digitalen Marketing umfassend berücksichtigt.
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Mit diesem umfassenden Blick auf das Marketing wird die neue Auflage ihrem Ruf als "Bibel des Marketings" (w & v - werben und verkaufen) weiterhin gerecht.
Der Inhalt:
Konzeptionelle Grundlagen des Marketing
Käuferverhaltens- und Marketingforschung
Informationsgrundlagen des Marketing
Marketingorganisation und -implementierung
Marketing has become accepted and proven in science and practice over the past decades. Many principles of marketing have become self-evident, but have led to gross generalizations and simplified thought patterns. This article examines myths and metaphors in marketing. A distinction is made between myths of managerial marketing and of behavioral marketing. In both sub-disciplines, we are often dealing with complex and invisible phenomena that occur in a variety of contexts. Attempts to explain these phenomena are therefore particularly prone to the emergence of myths and misconceptions.
From a managerial perspective, topics such as the philosophy and leadership role of marketing, the generation of innovation success, the development of strategic competitive advantages, and brand management are reflected. Since the change from a sellers’ market to a buyers’ market, consumer behavior research and marketing have been closely intertwined.
Therefore, findings from consumer behavior research form a central basis for successful decisions in marketing management. Based on this background, the second part of the article focuses on myths of consumer behavior research, here addressing unconscious phenomena in consumer behavior, mainly the discussion of subliminal priming (and its impact on manipulation) and unconscious perception as well as of unconscious motives, and approaches to implicit attitude measurement. Finally, implications are derived as to what extent the presented phenomena and the unveiling of myths have an impact on marketing management and on consumer behavior research and what roles these disciplines should take in the future. In the era of climate change and digital transformation, particular challenges are emerging. Thus, facts and not myths should determine the future path of the marketing discipline.
Recent literature found positive effects of digital household budget feedback when used over longer timespans. This current study, in turn, investigates whether digital budget feedback also influences consumer behavior in single online purchase decisions. The related research question states: Do transparent technology-mediated household budgets influence consumers' willingness to pay and payment pain in single, individual online purchase decision processes? The underlying study used a quantitative-, mixed-design approach and simulated online purchases for one hedonic and one utilitarian product. Three hundred fourteen study subjects were assigned to either a control group or one of three treatment groups manipulated with specific budget statuses to examine differences in consumer reactions. Critical measures of willingness to pay and payment pain have been taken to analyze potential significant effects. Results found significant differences in consumer willingness to pay and payment pain between and within groups concerning both products. The study could, however, not confirm differences to occur between utilitarian and hedonic purchases. The findings extend existing literature by demonstrating that consumers adjust their online spending based on individual household budget feedback. Consumers that wish to align spending with their current budget status might thus rely on app-mediated budget updates. At the same time, marketers could offer individualized pricing offers to consumers based on situational budget status information.
Iphigenie Leandra Kiefer untersucht in diesem Open-Access-Buch, welchen Beitrag die Implementierung von Design Thinking zur marktorientierten Unternehmensführung und zum Unternehmenserfolg leistet. Auf der Grundlage einer branchenübergreifenden empirischen Untersuchung mit über 100 mittelständischen und großen Unternehmen entwickelt sie ein Erklärungsmodell, welches die zentaralen Einflussfaktoren für eine erfolgreiche Implementierung in großen und mittelständischen Unternehmen aufzeigt. Hierfür entwickelt sie ein Messmodell zur Operationalisierung des Design Thinking Mindset. Es werden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet, wie Führungsverantwortliche Design Thinking unter Berücksichtigung unternehmens- spezifischer Einflussfaktoren in Unternehmen erfolgreich implementieren und den organisa- tionalen Barrieren im Zusammenhang mit der Implementierung von Design Thinking gezielt entgegenwirken können.
Person-Organization Fit (POF) bezeichnet die Kompatibilität von Personen und Organisationen, wobei häufig Werte als Beurteilungsgrundlage dienen. Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass ein hoher POF zwischen Arbeitgebern und -nehmern nicht nur positive Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit hat, auch sind für Arbeitsuchende solche Organisationen attraktiv, mit denen sie eine hohe Passung unterstellen. Die Arbeit widmet sich im Spiegel der Theorie des POF theoretisch und empirisch dem Einfluss von flexiblen Arbeitsformen (zur Ermöglichung von Zeit- und Ortsunabhängigkeit bei der Arbeit) auf die Wahrnehmung der Arbeitgeberattraktivität. Es wird untersucht, inwiefern POF als Erklärungsmechanismus für Arbeitgeberattraktivität dienen kann, in Abhängigkeit der verschiedenen Ausprägungen flexibler Arbeitsformen – u.a. werden allgemein flexibilitätsbezogene Angebote sowie die spezifische flexible Arbeitsform Telearbeit betrachtet, ebenfalls werden Effekte der Nichtverfügbarkeit flexibler Arbeitsformen in den Blick genommen. Neben POF wird auch der Einfluss von AOS (Anticipated Organizational Support) für den Effekt auf Arbeitgeberattraktivität untersucht. Darüber hinaus analysiert diese Arbeit die Rolle der Persönlichkeitsdisposition Work Locus of Control im Zusammenhang mit dem Person-Organization Fit. Die Ergebnisse erweitern nicht nur den wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand, auch liefern sie Impulse für die Praxis des Employer Branding.
Effects of mental accounting on purchase decision processes: A systematic review and research agenda
This paper aims to systematically analyze and synthesize the existing research published on mental accounting and purchase decision processes by conducting a systematic literature review. Specifically, the paper aims to answer the question: "What are the effects of mental accounting on purchase decision processes?" Therefore, it identified 110 papers which contribute to achieving the research objective and which were selected using the same data collection, data analysis, and quality standards. After reviewing the identified publications, the paper finds that the existing literature can be structured along four main themes impacting purchase decision-making processes: (1) source of funds, (2) intended use of funds, (3) pricing, and (4) payments. The paper shows that for each of the four themes there are multiple mental accounting effects with an impact on for example willingness to pay, the experienced pain of paying or the ultimate purchase decision. Further, the paper identifies potential directions for future research in mental accounting, including the influence of product categories on mental accounting, flexibility in budget setting and its impact on mental accounting behavior, long-term effects of mental budgeting on financial wealth, integration-segregation behavior in the context of pricing, the role of consumer characteristics on mental accounting behavior, and the impact of increased financial transparency through technology on mental accounting.
Die Digitalisierung bietet dem stationären Einzelhandel heutzutage eine Vielzahl möglicher Hilfsmittel. VR- und AR Brillen sind zwei Beispiele, um bestimmte Zielgruppen wieder stärker in die Geschäfte zu lenken und zu binden. Der vorliegende Beitrag beleuchtet die Wirkung zweier dieser Brillen und vergleicht diese hinsichtlich ihrer Akzeptanz bei Kundinnen und Kunden im Einzelhandelskontext.
Aufgrund der gestiegenen regulatorischen Anforderungen (European Comission, 2022) und der erhöhten Konsumentenwahrnehmung von nachhaltigkeitsbezogenen Produktaussagen (Testa et al.,2021), auch Nachhaltigkeits-Claims genannt, erscheint es unerlässlich, dass Hersteller und Händler nachhaltige Produkteigenschaften in ihre Markenkonzepte integrieren und glaubwürdig sowie verständlich gegenüber Konsumenten kommunizieren. Durch eine repräsentative Studie mit 2.084 Konsumenten in Deutschland, aufbauend auf einer ersten Datenerhebung im Jahr 2014, konnte das Verständnis und die Kaufrelevanz sowie die Glaubwürdigkeit zu 20 ausgewählten Claims aus den Themengebieten Energie, Treibhausgasemissionen, Biodiversität, soziale Nachhaltigkeit, sauberes Wasser, Ressourcen, Recycling und Entsorgung ermittelt werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass trotz der gestiegenen Verständlichkeit im Vergleich zur ersten Erhebung große Unterschiede in der Akzeptanz und Glaubwürdigkeit einzelner Claims bestehen, die bei ihrer Verwendung in der Markenkommunikation berücksichtigt werden sollten. So ist nicht jede nachhaltigkeits- bezogene Produktaussage geeignet für die Markenkommunikation. Mangelndes Verständnis und fehlende Standardisierung von Nachhaltigkeits-Claims führen zu Fehlinterpretationen und Glaubwürdigkeitsproblemen beim Endverbraucher.
Herausforderungen annehmen
Context matters!
The topic of sustainability has found its way into the corporate entrepreneurship activities of large corporations. The Sustainable Corporate Entrepreneurship (SCE) strand is still in its infancy. Since most large corporations engage in corporate entrepreneurship and are exploring new business models inside and outside corporate boundaries, several questions arise from different viewpoints. First, from corporate perspective researchers and business leaders wonder which internal modes of SCE activities have emerged in business practice and how large corporations explore sustainable value propositions. Second, from entrepreneur and investor perspective, the question emerges which factors influence the likelihood of corporate ventures, such as spin-offs from corporations, raising venture capital to scale sustainable business models. Therefore, to further develop the field of SCE, this cumulative dissertation presents three research papers analysing sustainable corporate entrepreneurship at the intersection of corporations and start-ups.
The purpose of this paper is to review the development of the German advertising industry starting from 1950 to 2018 with a special focus on the American influence.
The paper uses the oral history methodology. The content is based on 27 semi-structured interviews with current and former experts from the German and American advertising industry. An analysis of secondary sources supports the line of argumentation.
The paper confirms the outstanding role of the American influence on the German advertising industry, owing to new standards of professionalism, to novel versions of terminology and to the introduction of the theory of marketing. However, incompatible management styles, increasing global competition and financial pressure diminished the impact. Likewise, the American interference did not suppress the development of specific German industry characteristics such as a strong entrepreneurial culture or sustainable leadership.
This paper provides an overview of the history of German advertising with a focus on advertising agencies in the period from 1950 to today (2018). Further, this paper assesses the special impact of the American influence on the German advertising industry. Further, subjects of investigation are particularities of the German advertising industry, such as special attributes of agency leaders and their relationship with clients, distinct versions of ownership structures, agency service offerings and, finally, the role of creativity.
Ein Angebotsportfolio mit der entsprechenden Dienstleistungsqualität ist nicht nur für privatwirtschaftliche Unternehmen ein bedeutender Erfolgsfaktor im Marketing-Mix, sondern auch für Organisationen des öffentlichen Sektors. So bieten beispielsweise die deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammern (IHK) als Körperschaften des öffentlichen Rechts ihren Mitgliedsunternehmen ein breites Leistungsangebot: die Interessenvertretung gegenüber Politik und Verwaltung, die Umsetzung staatlich übertragener (hoheitlicher) Aufgaben sowie eine Vielzahl freiwilliger Dienstleistungen als Unterstützung im betrieblichen Alltag. Vorökonomische Marketingziele sind dabei unter anderem die Zufriedenheitssteigerung und der Akzeptanzaufbau bei den zugehörigen Mitgliedsunternehmen und zahlreichen weiteren öffentlichen Anspruchsgruppen.
Die Dissertation geht daher der zentralen Forschungsfrage nach, welche Qualitätsdimensionen (auch Merkmale) von IHK-Dienstleistungen einen signifikanten Erfolgsbeitrag leisten und wie diese auf die vorgenannten Marketingziele einwirken. Konzeptionell werden dazu relevante Qualitätssteuerungs- und Qualitätsmessmodelle betrachtet und weiterentwickelt. Im Ergebnis stehen neben der wissenschaftlichen Aufarbeitung des Themas praktische Handlungsempfehlungen für die betrachtete Organisation des öffentlichen Sektors.
More sustainable private consumption is necessary to achieve the common goal of sustainable development. This dissertation deals with the underlying socio-psychological determinants of sustainable consumer behavior in different domains, based on which promotion measures are recommended to companies and policymakers. Among others, I discuss consumers’ perceptions of their responsibilities for sustainability in contrast to their expectations on governments’ and companies’ contributions. Furthermore, I shed light on a main barrier of sustainable consumption that most consumers support sustainability but their behaviors are, to a decisive extent, driven by other motives such as customer-oriented services or offered incentives, which primarily benefit consumers themselves instead of the sustainability agenda. To tackle this barrier, I develop several promotion measures based on activating psychological concepts such as empowerment and self-determination in a single or multi-country setting. Results of this dissertation serve to more effectively understand consumers’ concerns with sustainable consumption and to add new perspectives to improve tactics to promote sustainable behaviors.
Previous research reported conflicting results on the effectiveness of economic incentives versus green appeals for promoting pro-environmental behavior and neglected the possibility of combining both as well as country differences. Through online experiments in Germany, the USA and China, we tested a monetary reward for recycling that is only redeemable for eco-friendly products – a “green reward” – in comparison to a standard reward (redeemable for any product) and a green appeal (highlighting environmental impact). In China, green rewards significantly increased recycling intentions via introjected motivation. In the USA, rewards improved intentions mainly via extrinsic motivation. In Germany, green appeals appeared to be the best strategy. Extrinsic rewards are expected to reduce perceived autonomy support, but only did so in the USA. Differences between countries are identified with regard to “crowding-out” of internalized motivation. It appears that under some conditions an environmental purpose can neutralize negative effects of extrinsic incentives.
Business-to-consumer e-marketplaces are an important and fast-growing distribution channel. Nevertheless, there is a lack of literature that attempts to describe and classify business-to-consumer e-marketplaces and to analyze their role in the distribution channel. This article seeks to address this deficiency and to add clarity to our understanding of these two-sided platforms. A new innovative marketing functions concept is developed: the PILT framework. It consists of four main functions—product, information, logistics, and transaction—and ten subfunctions. Applying this framework reveals that business-to-consumer e-marketplaces are infomediaries, completely fulfilling only information functions. All other functions must be managed by the sellers themselves or outsourced to other intermediaries such as logistics companies or banks. A case study of Amazon and Walmart Marketplace is presented to further illustrate the PILT framework. It reveals that Amazon Marketplace fulfills more marketing functions than Walmart Marketplace, which may be an important success factor for B2C e-marketplaces.
To shed light on how incumbent firms implement sustainable corporate entrepreneurship (SCE) processes, this study investigates how organizations connect sustainability and venture departments. Based on qualitative interviews with 14 experts from 12 multinational corporations headquartered in Germany, we identified five maturity levels of SCE with increasing cross-functional collaboration: Non-Existent, Occasional, Expert, Collaboration, and Strategic Collaboration. Using secondary interview data from seven multinational companies headquartered outside Germany, we find initial support for these collaboration types in an international context. Results indicate that a company's general approach to innovation is associated with its SCE maturity level: companies with dedicated entrepreneurship units are more likely to have a higher level of SCE focus. Furthermore, the likelihood of working on radical innovations for sustainability seems to increase as soon as venture experts collaborate with sustainability managers, which, in turn, increases the chances of initiating sustainability transitions.