Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation (CLIC)
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (67)
- Part of a Book (59)
- Article (47)
- Working Paper (37)
- Book (30)
- Doctoral Thesis (13)
- Other (8)
- Report (4)
- Review (2)
- Digital transformation (2)
- Digitalization (2)
- SME (2)
- Added value (1)
- Barriers (1)
- Business model innovation (1)
- Business models (1)
- Co-creation (1)
- Complexity (1)
- Corporate development (1)
Introduction: Gamification can support the practical application of Inclusive Teaching. However, gamification literature reviews to implement Inclusive Teaching are scarce or not existent. Therefore, we conducted a scoping review of gamification literature reviews to identify what themes are covered and specifically if Inclusive Teaching has been explored.
Method: The scoping literature review comprises network and content analyses of gamification literature reviews retrieved from the Web of Science. We analyzed a multimode network of papers and keywords and used their eigenvector centrality to identify themes. The content analysis comprised of a human and automatic tagging process to identify each paper’s discipline/context.
Results: We mapped the themes explored in 125 gamification literature reviews to answer our first research question, what are the areas of knowledge covered by gamification literature reviews? The central topic is gamification and education to increase motivation, followed by gamification itself and understanding the implementation of gamification in various contexts. We identified 12 contexts and the top five frequent were Education, Business, Gamification, and Political Science. From the year-by-year analysis, we separated the themes into four periods: beginning (2014–2015), understanding (2016–2017), focus 2018 and focus and emergence (2019–2022). Regarding our second research question, how is the topic of Inclusive Teaching explored in gamification literature reviews? We did not find literature reviews about gamification to support Inclusive Teaching in the existing dataset.
Discussion: We report on the benefits of organizing central keywords by quartiles and using multimode networks to support scoping reviews; and disadvantages and advantages of using literature reviews as data sources for scoping reviews. We invite researchers to create more gamification literature reviews, to investigate gamification ethics in the light of recent technological developments such as generative models, and to reconnect gamification to the game design elements part of its definition, which goes beyond game elements.
Leipziger New-Work-Studie
Wie ist der aktuelle Stand von New Work in Leipziger Unternehmen? Was wünschen sich Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmende von der Arbeitswelt der Zukunft und welche Fähigkeiten müssen sie dazu mitbringen?
Diesen Fragen geht eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung der Handelshochschule Leipzig (HHL) und der LF Gruppe nach.
Wo stehen Leipziger Unternehmen bei der Gestaltung einer innovationsförderlichen Unternehmenskultur? Ist Leipzig hinsichtlich der Innovationsfähigkeit wettbewerbsfähig? Was hat sich mit Corona und weiteren Großereignissen wie dem Ukraine-Krieg verändert? Das sind die zentralen Fragen, die mit der vom Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Leipzig geförderten und gemeinsam mit der Handelshochschule Leipzig (HHL) durchgeführten Studie zur Leipziger Innovationskultur beantwortet werden. Ziel war es, den Status-Quo der Innovationskultur in verschiedenen Branchen der Stadt Leipzig zu untersuchen und darauf aufbauend die wichtigsten Handlungsfelder für die Weiterentwicklung hin zu einer innovationsförderlichen Unternehmenskultur zu identifizieren.
Herausgeber: Digital Impact Labs Leipzig GmbH, ein Unternehmen der LF Gruppe und HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. Gesamtleitung: Dr. Michael Wächter, Dr. Justine Walter, Prof. Dr. Claudia Lehmann, Silvia Schönstedt,Timo Brunner. Weitere Mitarbeit: Melina Friedrich. Artdirektion: Monique Beauvais. Leipziger Foren Services GmbH,
Leadership's long arm
Introduction: In this qualitative study, we examine digital leadership (DL) capabilities and their positive influence on the management of technology-driven change by leveraging service innovations. The context of digital transformation (DT) has triggered a new leadership paradigm, among others referred to as digital leadership (DL). However, despite its practical relevance, leadership research has yet paid little attention to conceptualise DL as an approach to digitally transform organisations.
Methods: Drawing on mid- and top-level mangers’ experiences with service innovation projects, and based on Grounded Theory, we develop a taxonomy of DL-related capabilities and a conceptual framework which exemplifies their influences on dynamic service innovation capabilities (DSICs). DSICs build on the dynamic capabilities view (DCV) and represent the “organisational muscle” to repeatedly deliver service innovations indicating an effective management of technology-driven change.
Results and Discussion: Taxonomy results show that aggregated dimensions in terms of a digital leader’s personal, social, and organisational capital serve as underpinnings (DL-related capabilities) to drive strategic change in DT contexts. The conceptual framework further reveals that especially the personal and organisational capital of a digital leader owns several strong and moderate influences on DSICs which demonstrates DL’s “long arm” on the management of technology-driven change. Our findings contribute to leadership research by advancing the conceptualisation of DL and by adding a novel micro-foundational perspective towards the DCV discourse. As organisations struggle to realise the full benefits of DT initiatives, our results also provide a valuable contribution for practitioners by supporting them to strategically prepare for the human-related challenges of DT.
Digital Transformation (DT) has become a challenge and opportunity for firms competing in dynamic and volatile markets. Especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) face difficulties within the digitalization process based on their limited resources and capabilities. It is essential to understand which factors influence this process to enable the success of DT in SMEs. However, there is fragmented research on DT in SMEs. To close this gap this paper aims to identify and categorize the influencing factors of DT in SMEs by building on the Attention Based View (ABV). Therefore, a systematic literature review was conducted with a total of 75 papers published from January 2012 to January 2022. 354 factors were identified. With the help of Gioia-Method a taxonomy was created. The main finding of the research is a taxonomy, which consist of three main categories and 17 sub-categories, which organize the factors identified from the sample. The taxonomy answers the calls in research for a comprehensive and tangible picture on the influencing factors of DT in SME independent from disciplines or industries. For practitioners the taxonomy allows to understand and approach what specific factors influence their digital transformation journey and where to put attention.
The boundaryless enterprise
This book introduces readers to modern organizational concepts and their consequences for working people in the digital economy. Decentralization, networking, the merging of the physical and virtual worlds, and the ever-increasing interaction of human and artificial intelligence are (re) shaping organization and leadership. Digital technologies are changing the coordination of internal and external organizational processes and require new competencies. The aim of the book is to illustrate these interrelationships in a theoretically sound and practical manner.
The book is intended for students of business management and practicing business managers alike.
Zukunftsland Sachsen
The purpose is to provide a framework guiding service organizations while adopting new work practices and to specify effects of psychological empowerment. This research is based on a mixed-method approach to establish new theory and to determine correlations. It is claimed that the managerial framework ensures solid foundation for the quantitative analysis arguing that new work practices have positive effects on service organizations. This study contributes to new work and service literature by equipping service organizations with a framework and stating the positive effects on employees using psychological empowerment as a mediator where employees are the central resource to success.
Viele kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) befinden sich in einem Transformationsprozess, der die von ihnen angebotenen Dienstleistungen und Produkte genauso verändert wie ihre Geschäftsprozesse und Organisationsstrukturen. Die Wertschöpfung einzelner Unternehmen verändert sich zur Wert Co-Creation innerhalb eines Produktionsnetzwerkes. Hierbei spielt die Generierung sowie der Austausch von Daten über den gesamten Produktlebenszyklus eine Schlüsselrolle. Diese ermöglichen die Zusammenarbeit, um mittels Datenanalysen geeignete Dienstleistungen für Endkunden anzubieten. Zur Realisierung einer umfassenden digitalen Wertschöpfungskette ist ein Umdenken von Unternehmen und deren Mitarbeitenden in vernetzten Dienstleistungssystemen notwendig. Dies ist in vielen Fällen nicht so einfach umsetzbar, da Dienstleistungssysteme und deren Entwicklung durch eine hohe Komplexität gekennzeichnet sind. Der nachstehende Artikel zeigt auf, welchen Herausforderungen und Chancen KMU im Transformationsprozess gegenüberstehen und wie insbesondere der Einbezug der Aspekte digitaler Souveränität dazu beitragen kann, verschiedenste Stakeholder und Ressourcen kollaborativ auf ein gemeinsames Wertversprechen zu bündeln und nutzerzentrierte Dienstleistungssysteme zu entwickeln. Souveränität wird in diesem Kontext als die Eigenschaft verstanden, sich selbstständig über relevante Technologien sowie neue technische Möglichkeiten zu informieren, um darauf aufbauend zwischen mehreren Optionen das passende und nutzenstiftenden Angebot auszuwählen, sodass die Fragen „Was bedeutet Digitalisierung für mein Unternehmen und wie setze ich den strategischen Kurs?“ beantwortet werden können.
New work practices in service organizations are perceived as a key factor to overcome external and internal challenges as well as to maintain a competitive position in the market. As academic literature solely addresses individual or fragmented measures of new work practices, literature lacks a holistic assessment for organizations revising their knowledge and updating their competencies in the field of new work. By applying a qualitative research approach the paper addresses how service organizations can acquire further competencies in the field of new work practices. Respectively, the paper identifies a conceptual framework of five dimensions: recruitment, leadership, organizational, requirements and needs as well as location decision. Therefore, the contribution of the paper is twofold. First, the paper contributes to the understanding of how new work practices are constituted and how they can foster the acquisition of knowledge in this field. Second, it introduces a conceptual framework service organizations can use as an assessment basis to revise and update
their understanding of work by implementing the five dimensions.