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An Exercise in Sitting with Discomfort (Summary Report)

  • Temporary international relocation initiatives (TIRIs) for artists and cultural workers are a formTemporary international relocation initiatives (TIRIs) for artists and cultural workers are a form of international solidarity. Yet they are embedded in a context shaped by colonial history and global North-South power dynamics. In this report, the authors draw on the experiences of relocated artists as well as those of team members within TIRIs and host organisations to examine if TIRIs are currently equipped to identify power asymmetries, injustice, discrimination and racism at individual, institutional and structural levels and to effectively mitigate them. Finally, they develop holistic practical recommendations for greater equity and justice as well as an anti-racist approach for TIRIs and host organisations. This report addresses decision-makers and teams in TIRIs and host organisations, arts institutions, funders and policymakers. Both recognizing the existence of structural, systemic and individual injustice, racism and discrimination, and contributing to their eradication requires discomfort and constant self-reflection. Therefore, this report is an exercise in sitting with discomfort. The authors see this discomfort as a catalyst for change processes - an engine to sustain pressure to enact this change that cannot simply be dissolved by individual action. The full report can be downloaded here: https://doi.org/10.17901/akbp1.22.2022.show moreshow less

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Author:Rana Yazaji, Marion Schmidt
Subtitle (English):Towards more equitable support for international relocation in North-South contexts
Series (Serial Number):Martin Roth-Initiative Publication (2022)
Publisher:ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V.)
Place of publication:Stuttgart
Document Type:Other
Year of Completion:2022
Uploading Institution:Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. (ifa)
Release Date:2023/06/20
Page Number:4
ifa Publications:ifa Publications
Licence (English):License LogoCreative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)