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  • Competition in global media has increased substantially in the last two decades. Foreign media notCompetition in global media has increased substantially in the last two decades. Foreign media not only want to reach countries as well as politically and economically important target groups, but also see themselves as competitors in a quest for international sovereignty. As countries experiment with different foreign media strategies, an increase in the range of approaches is to be expected in the coming years.show moreshow less

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Author:Edward Knudsen
Subtitle (English):ifa ECP monitor comparative report
Publisher:ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
Place of publication:Stuttgart
Editor:Helmut K. Anheier
Document Type:Report
Year of Completion:2021
Uploading Institution:Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. (ifa)
Release Date:2022/03/09
Page Number:19
ECP Monitor:ECP Monitor Comparative Reports
Licence (English):License LogoCreative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)