@article{KlimmSzczefanowiczWolffetal.2021, author = {Klimm, Detlef and Szczefanowicz, Bartosz H. and Wolff, Nora and Bickermann, Matthias}, title = {Phase diagram studies for the growth of (Mg,Zr):SrGa12O19 crystals}, journal = {Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry}, volume = {147}, doi = {10.1007/s10973-021-11050-4}, institution = {Interactive Surfaces}, pages = {7133 -- 7139}, year = {2021}, abstract = {By differential thermal analysis, a concentration field suitable for the growth of Zr, Mg co-doped strontium hexagallate crystals was observed that corresponds well with known experimental results. It was shown that the melting point of doped crystal is ca. 60 K higher than that of undoped crystals. This higher melting points indicate hexagallate phase stabilization by Zr, Mg co-doping and increase the growth window of (Mg,Zr):SrGa12O19, compared to undoped SrGa12O19 that grows from SrO-Ga2O3 melts.}, language = {en} }