- English (2)
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- yes (2)
- AFM (1)
- atomic force microscopy (1)
- cell mechanics (1)
- cell rheology (1)
- creep compliance (1)
- microrheology (1)
- power-law (1)
- stress relaxation (1)
Scientific Unit
The mechanical properties of cells are important for many biological processes, including wound healing, cancers, and embryogenesis. Currently, our understanding of cell mechanical properties remains incomplete. Different techniques have been used to probe different aspects of the mechanical properties of cells, among them microplate rheology, optical tweezers, micropipette aspiration, and magnetic twisting cytometry. These techniques have given rise to different theoretical descriptions, reaching from simple Kelvin-Voigt or Maxwell models to fractional such as power law models, and their combinations. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a flexible technique that enables global and local probing of adherent cells. Here, using an AFM, we indented single retinal pigmented epithelium cells adhering to the bottom of a culture dish. The indentation was performed at two locations: above the nucleus, and towards the periphery of the cell. We applied creep compliance, stress relaxation, and oscillatory rheological tests to wild type and drug modified cells. Considering known fractional and semi-fractional descriptions, we found the extracted parameters to correlate. Moreover, the Young’s modulus as obtained from the initial indentation strongly correlated with all of the parameters from the applied power-law descriptions. Our study shows that the results from different rheological tests are directly comparable. This can be used in the future, for example, to reduce the number of measurements in planned experiments. Apparently, under these experimental conditions, the cells possess a limited number of degrees of freedom as their rheological properties change.
Shape, dynamics, and viscoelastic properties of eukaryotic cells are primarily governed by a thin,reversibly cross-linked actomyosin cortex located directly beneath the plasma membrane. We obtaintime-dependent rheological responses of fibroblasts and MDCK II cells from deformation-relaxationcurves using an atomic force microscope to access the dependence of cortex fluidity on pre-stress. We introduce a viscoelastic model that treats the cell as a composite shell and assumes thatrelaxation of the cortex follows a power law giving access to cortical pre-stress, area compressibilitymodulus, and the power law (fluidity) exponent. Cortex fluidity is modulated by interferingwith myosin activity. We find that the power law exponent of the cell cortex decreases withincreasing intrinsic pre-stress and area compressibility modulus, in accordance with previousfinding for isolated actin networks subject to external stress. Extrapolation to zero tension returnsthe theoretically predicted power law exponent for transiently cross-linked polymer networks. In contrast to the widely used Hertzian mechanics, our model provides viscoelastic parametersindependent of indenter geometry and compression velocity.