Using this publication server
Help for authors
Single elements of the application form
Legal aspects
- Hints for searching
Boolean Operators AND, OR, NOT
When you use the Simple Search, all terms are combined by AND automatically. For a more tightly focused search you may use the Boolean Operators to combine different search terms.
AND: The document has to contain all search terms.
OR: The document has to contain one of the search terms. This function broadens your search and is recommended, when there are different terms for the same meaning.
article OR paper
NOT: This function works excluding and might be useful to reduce a large result list: Documents, which contain the one term, may not contain the other.
article NOT paper
The Boolean Operators work for the Advanced Search as well. You may use them to combine different search terms within one search field. For example, to search for documents of the author "Doe" in the years 2002 or 2003, use the query:
Author: Doe
Year: 2002 OR 2003Wildcards
In the field 'Search:', you may use the symbols '*' and '?' as wildcards. Use them in place of a character or characters that are unknown or that may differ. You cannot use them in front of a word or search string.
Example 1: chemi* finds chemical but also chemistry or chemist.
Example 2: licen?e finds licence and license.
You may use double quotes (") to search for phrases.
- I have some more questions - whom shall I contact?
MSH Medical School Hamburg –
University of Applied Sciences and Medical University
Am Kaiserkai 1
20457 HamburgIf you have any questions or suggestions please contact the OPUS team:
- How do I publish my work here?
Theses are published by the MSH Medical School Hamburg. Please do not use the "Publish" menu for this purpose, but contact the OPUS team directly.
If you want to publish a document, please click on the publication link on the start page.
First you are requested to choose a document type. Right beneath that you can upload your document files. Having done so you may click on "send". What follows now is the actual form. You have to fill in data about your publication here (so called metadata), which is used to describe your work in cataloges and other bibliographic directories. Describe the document you want to upload using the categories and fields on the publication form. Depending on the document type, some of these fields are mandatory and therefore have to be filled in. Please describe your document as clear as possible. Mandatory fields are for example:
- the document type (must be choosen from a list)
- the title of your publication and the language of the title
- the abstract of the document
- the publication date of your document (normally the day you publish it online)
- the language of the document (must be choosen from a list)
- the licence, under which you want to publish your document (must be choosen from a list)
After you have finished the form, all data will be displayed once again for a check-up and you then have three possibilities: you can correct them if necessary, add your document to a collection or simply safe it directly.
In oder to publish your work cookies have to be enabled in your web browser. - What's metadata?
Metadata can be defined as
- data describing one or more resources or as
- data associated with an object and describing it
This repository is using metadata in the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (short Dublin Core (DC)) which has fifteen basic elements. Dublin Core is the result of international efforts to reach a collective consensus in describing electronic objects (in the broadest sense). The Library of Congress (LoC), the Online Cataloging Library Center (OCLC) and several national libraries are dealing with Dublin Core in many projects and are close to introduce the system respectively.
- What's to regard if I plan to publish my work by a professional publisher or have done that already?
In most cases this is no problem. Please ensure in any case, if your publisher allows a parallel publication! To do that you can use the SHERPA/ROMEO list.
- What about licenses for my publication?
Authors can choose which terms of use must be regarded for their publication. These terms are defined in a license. The MSH Medical School Hamburg only uses the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND - 4.0 International for theses.
This license allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. CC BY-NC-ND includes the following elements: Credit must be given to the creator, only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted, no derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted.
Creative Commons - CC BY-NC-ND - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
- Policies
The publication server offers all members of the MSH Medical School Hamburg the organisational and technical support required for quick and easy electronic publication of scientific documents.
It provides long-term archiving of texts and ensures that they are locatable and fully citable. The documents are indexed and made accessible in library catalogues and Web search engines.
The authors grant the operator of the publications server the following rights of use:
• the permanent right to store electronically, especially in databases • the simple permanent usage right (§ 31 Par. 2 German Copyright Act) to provide public access via international data networks in accordance with § 19a German Copyright Act • the permanent right to to convert the document for the purposes of long-term archiving and/or visualisation, while retaining the integrity of the contents (the original archiving is retained) • the right to amend and/or complete the metadata provided by the author or editor where necessary • the right to give unlimited access to metadata and to make it usable • the right to disclose the document and the corresponding metadata to the German National Library as well as to document servers with the same aforementioned rightsThe authors and editors are solely responsible for the contents of the documents. The MSH Medical School Hamburg accepts no liability for the contents of the publications provided and the linked external websites. The author and editors guarantee that the document does not contravene any laws or official regulations, or infringe on any rights of third parties.
The author or editor shall be obligated to determine and, where necessary, obtain the approval of any copyright or exploitation right holders. If the author or editor learns of the existence or development of legal barriers, they shall inform the MSH Medical School Hamburg without delay.
Copyright remains with the author. The MSH Medical School Hamburg is merely granted a simple right of use. This means that publication on OPUS does not preclude further publication of the documents in journals or monographs as well as on other servers.
- Documentation
This document server is based on the repository software OPUS 4. OPUS is documented here: https://
- Imprint
Information provided according to Sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG):
MSH Medical School Hamburg – University of Applied Sciences and Medical University
Am Kaiserkai 1
20457 Hamburg
Rechtsform: GmbHRepresented by:
Geschäftsführerin: Ilona Renken-OlthoffContact:
Telephone: 040 36122640
Telefax: 040 361226430
Email: info@medicalschool-hamburg.deRegister entry:
Entry in the Handelsregister.
Registering court: Amtsgericht Hamburg
Registration number: B111174VAT:
VAT Id number according to Sec. 27 a German Value Added Tax Act: DE275231448Information concerning professional indemnity insurance:
Name and residence of insurer:
Öffentliche Versicherungen Oldenburg
Staugraben 11
26122 OldenburgScope of insurance: Weltweit, Gerichtsstand ist immer Deutschland
Responsible for contents acc. to Sec. 55, para. 2 German Federal Broadcasting Agreement (RstV):
Ilona Renken-Olthoff
MSH Medical School Hamburg - University of Applied Sciences and Medical University
Am Kaiserkai 1
20457 HamburgDispute resolution
We do not take part in online dispute resolutions at consumer arbitration boards.Liability for Contents
As service providers, we are liable for own contents of these websites according to Sec. 7, paragraph 1 German Telemedia Act (TMG). However, according to Sec. 8 to 10 German Telemedia Act (TMG), service providers are not obligated to permanently monitor submitted or stored information or to search for evidences that indicate illegal activities.Legal obligations to removing information or to blocking the use of information remain unchallenged. In this case, liability is only possible at the time of knowledge about a specific violation of law. Illegal contents will be removed immediately at the time we get knowledge of them.
Liability for Links
Our offer includes links to external third party websites. We have no influence on the contents of those websites, therefore we cannot guarantee for those contents. Providers or administrators of linked websites are always responsible for their own contents.The linked websites had been checked for possible violations of law at the time of the establishment of the link. Illegal contents were not detected at the time of the linking. A permanent monitoring of the contents of linked websites cannot be imposed without reasonable indications that there has been a violation of law. Illegal links will be removed immediately at the time we get knowledge of them.
Contents and compilations published on these websites by the providers are subject to German copyright laws. Reproduction, editing, distribution as well as the use of any kind outside the scope of the copyright law require a written permission of the author or originator. Downloads and copies of these websites are permitted for private use only.
The commercial use of our contents without permission of the originator is prohibited.Copyright laws of third parties are respected as long as the contents on these websites do not originate from the provider. Contributions of third parties on this site are indicated as such. However, if you notice any violations of copyright law, please inform us. Such contents will be removed immediately.
Hardware and Software:
Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ).